A message from Cllr Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset CouncilCouncil agreed the 2025 to 2026 budget earlier this week and I want to thank Councillor Mark Elliott, Cabinet Member for Resources and everyone who has worked hard to prepare a balanced budget which reflects the council’s priorities and delivers on its purpose, to improve people’s lives. As you are well aware local government finance is going through a tough time and Bath & North East Somerset is not immune to that. Nearly half of our spending goes on social care and rising costs continue to put pressure on all our services. However, due to sound financial management I am delighted that the budget we passed on Tuesday makes provision to meet the rising need in social care, as well as investment in other areas that are also important to you. So, we will be trialling extended park and ride hours, investing in cleaner and greener streets, focusing on housebuilding and improving the council’s customer contact system. We continue to defend democracy and stand in solidarity with Ukraine and its people and at the start of the week, on the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I was pleased to welcome the deputy chief of mission at the Embassy of Ukraine, Eduard Fesko, as well as founder and trustee of The Friends of Oleksandryia Zhenya Shkil (pictured), to the Guildhall. Homes for Ukraine (H4U) is a national scheme to provide a home for Ukrainians who want to come to the UK to escape war at home. More than 350 Ukrainian guests have found hosts in Bath and North East Somerset through the scheme which the council administers locally – thank you to all those individuals and communities who provide this support. Every year the council recognises the fantastic contributions people and organisations make to our area through its annual Bath and North East Somerset Community Awards. This year winners in three of the categories for nominated organisations will be decided by the public, so please cast your vote and have your say. You can find out more about the awards and how to vote on our website. Have a good weekend. |