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  • Parish and town councils in Bath and North East Somerset benefit from funding to support environmental projects

    A footbridge, a retrofitted community room and village hall solar panels are among the improvements that have been realised in communities across Bath and North East Somerset.

    Communities and volunteering, Community Funding, Delivering for local residents, Environment and Clean Air, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • Council to remove sunken boats in Bath

    Works to remove five sunken boats from the River Avon in Bath will begin on March 15.

    Bath, Environment and Clean Air, Focusing on prevention, public safety, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • Celebrate the annual wassail in Midsomer Norton

    Midsomer Norton residents and visitors are being invited to join in the town’s annual wassail on February 1, a tradit

    Delivering for local residents, Environment and Clean Air, Somer Valley

  • Have your say on a new Air Quality Action Plan for Bath

    A plan which sets out how air quality will be improved in the city of Bath is being consulted on by Bath & North

    Environment and Clean Air, Focusing on prevention, Giving people a bigger say

  • Work set to start on Phase One of the Bath River Line project

    Work on a scheme to create a 10km linear park alongside the River Avon in Bath that will improve the towpath, parks, open spaces and public realm is set to start early next year.

    Bath, Delivering for local residents, Environment and Clean Air, Improving people's lives

  • Residents encouraged to be a firework friendly neighbour for animals

    Residents are being asked to be considerate when setting off fireworks on Bonfire Night this year, to reduce the impact on animals in their community.

    Delivering for local residents, Environment and Clean Air, Events, Focusing on prevention, Leisure, Tourism and Heritage, public safety

  • Drivers warned about unofficial parking and travel payment sites

    Motorists are being warned about unofficial payment websites encouraging them to pay a penalty charge notice or Clean

    Environment and Clean Air, Finance, Focusing on prevention, information and advice, Parking and Travel, Roads, travel and transport

  • Pollution levels continue to fall in Bath and North East Somerset

    Air quality across Bath and North East Somerset is continuing to improve with nitrogen dioxide concentrations decreas

    Bath, Climate Emergency, Environment and Clean Air, Focusing on prevention, Roads, travel and transport, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • Join No Mow May and help wildlife to thrive

    Residents in Bath and North East Somerset are being encouraged to give nature a month off by not cutting their grass

    Climate Emergency, Environment and Clean Air, Focusing on prevention, recovery and renewal

  • Council advice on tackling gulls

    Residents and businesses in Bath which are being impacted by gulls are being updated on the advice and support available to tackle the issue.

    Public Health, public safety, Environment and Clean Air, Focusing on prevention