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  • Spotlight on food insecurity in Public Health annual report

    Household food insecurity in Bath and North East Somerset is the focus of this year’s Director of Public Health annua

    Adult Social Care and Health, Equalities, Focusing on prevention, information and advice, Public Health, Wellbeing support

  • New streets strategy proposal to make sure public spaces work for everyone

    A new streets strategy to manage outdoor dining, trading and entertainment on Bath and North East Somerset’s highways

    Business support , Delivering for local residents, Equalities, Focusing on prevention, Leisure, Tourism and Heritage, public safety, Streets and Highway Maintenance

  • New recruitment campaign to increase early years workforce

    A new drive to increase the number of early years education and childcare practitioners available to families in Bath

    Children's Services, Delivering for local residents, Equalities, Focusing on prevention, Health and Care, Improving people's lives, Schools, Colleges and Learning