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  • Rural communities secure grant funding for energy efficiency and biodiversity projects

    Parish and town councils in Bath and North East Somerset are set to benefit from £260,000 to help install energy-saving measures like solar panels and air-to-air source heat pumps.

    Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Climate Emergency, energy efficiency, Environment and Clean Air, Household energy costs, Delivering for local residents, Communities and volunteering

  • Applications open for new Winter Energy Support Fund

    Residents in Bath and North East Somerset who are on low incomes can apply for a one-off payment of £150 to help with energy costs this winter.

    welfare support, Household energy costs, Focusing on prevention, Delivering for local residents

  • Homeowners use grant funding and expert advice to improve the energy efficiency of their properties

    Residents wanting to save money and cut their carbon emissions are taking advantage of expert advice and funding schemes to install a range of energy saving and low carbon technologies in their homes.

    Delivering for local residents, Preparing for the Future, Energy at Home, Household energy costs, energy efficiency