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Join the discussion about public services in your community at the Bathavon Area Forum

Date published: 2023-06-23 | Category: Bathavon Area Forum, Giving people a bigger say

photo of a bridge and water with the details of the event

Bathavon residents are being encouraged to share their views on a range of issues affecting their community at their next Area Forum, which will be in-person at St Andrew's Community Church on July 5.

The meeting will include an update on the council’s priorities following the recent elections and Stephen George, principal planning officer, will give an update on the development of the new Local Plan.

Paul Harris, Vice-Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, will present the new the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Hazel Thorp, development officer for regeneration, will present the Bath Local Centres High Street Improvement Scheme.

Two local community services will also address the forum: Grow for Life, a charity, based in Newton St Loe that provides social and therapeutic gardening sessions for people affected by low confidence, anxiety, depression, or isolation and the West of England Rural Network (WERN) Village Agents who link people in rural areas with advice and support services for independent living.

Councillor Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council, said: “This is the first face-to-face meeting of the Bathavon Area Forum since lockdown began and the first meeting since the local elections. The council will be outlining our ambitious vision for communities across the B&NES district and we would encourage as many residents as possible to attend in person so they can give us their feedback.”

Councillor John Adler, chair of the Bathavon Area Forum, said: “This is the first Bathavon Forum meeting following the recent elections and it offers a good opportunity to set the agenda for future meetings. Each parish council will be outlining their top three issues, providing us with a clear view on the current ‘hot topics’ to be addressed. This will help to ensure that our future area forums meet the collective needs.”

The Bathavon Area Forum will be held at St Andrew’s Community Church, Hawthorn Grove, Foxhill, BA2 5QA on Wednesday July 5 at 6pm.

Area Forums are open to all and bring together public services, local organisations and residents to improve local engagement, encourage people to talk to each other and share their skills and ideas.  There are five forums in Bath and North East Somerset which are supported by the council.

You can find more information and meeting dates for all the forums on the council website.



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