Date published: 2024-05-02 | Category: Bath, City Centre Security scheme, Delivering for local residents, Focusing on prevention, Roads, travel and transport

Work to install sliding security barriers in Upper Borough Walls is nearing completion and the next phase of the Bath City Centre Security Scheme is set to start in Lower Borough Walls.
Engineers will start work on a last leg of the scheme in Lower Borough Walls in mid to late May.
The council is advising residents, businesses and Blue Badge holders about the planned closure of Lower Borough Walls in order to carry out the work which is expected to take approximately five months to complete.
Lower Borough Walls will be closed from its junction with Bilbury Lane and remain closed for the duration of works. Bilbury Lane will also be closed for a short duration at the beginning of the works so utility diversion works can be completed.
The existing security measures that prohibit traffic between 10am and 6pm daily will remain in place for the duration of the works. Exempt vehicles and cyclists will still be able given access to Bath Street and Stall Street via Hot Bath Street.
These works will affect all disabled parking bays located on Lower Borough Walls, which will be unavailable for the duration of the works. The disabled parking bays located on Beau Street will still be available and other nearby bays can be found on the council’s website.
Residents and businesses are being invited to a drop-in information session on 9 May in the Brunswick Room in the Guildhall from 11am to 3.30pm, where they will be able to meet the project team and give their feedback on the works approach and proposed management of waste collection and deliveries.
Once works begin diversions for vehicles and cyclists will be in place and clearly signposted, and marshals will be available to help traffic and do their usual security checks between 10am and 6pm.
Pedestrian access will be maintained along Lower Borough Walls for people who are walking or wheeling and the works in footways will be subject to pedestrian controls (like temporary walkways) to facilitate works and to keep people safe. The construction works will not prevent traders, or their customers, from accessing their premises and all affected businesses and Blue Badge holders will be communicated with directly.
In advance of the works, trial hole investigation will be carried out to inform the scheme design, which will begin on May 13 for approximately three weeks.
Councillor Manda Rigby, Cabinet Member for Highways, said: “I’d like to thank businesses and residents for their patience. Our contractor VolkerHighways had to install the sliding bollards in challenging conditions because of the utilities and vaults under the street so it is great news that work will finish ahead of time on Upper Borough Walls and I am pleased to see the scheme is being delivered within the earmarked budget.
“The contractor is now moving onto the last leg of the scheme, which when it is finished will see the completion of a decision taken by the council’s cabinet to introduce a City Centre Security Scheme. As always, we will do all we can to keep disruption to a minimum.”
Due to the unique nature of the city and highway construction, the programme faces a number of challenges. These include working above existing vaults and cellars, working in close proximity to utility apparatus and maintaining access to the restricted streets for exempt vehicles.
The council has carried out investigative works but until contractors get on site the construction timeline is estimated and completion dates can’t be guaranteed.
For more information about the works including diversion routes or to request regular newsletter on the scheme visit the council's website.
Background to the city centre security scheme:
In February 2020 Avon & Somerset Police Chief Constable asked the council to consider an ATTRO covering the wider city centre of Bath which would be used in the event of a heightened threat, specific intelligence, as a result of an incident or if there are events taking place that create crowded places.
Following consultation with Counter Terrorism security advisors and the council, which centred around the crowded places indicated within the National Counter Terrorism Security Office report, it was considered proportionate to introduce permanent restrictions covering a smaller area in the city centre resulting in the current measures, which the Chief Constable supported.
The council has continued to work alongside the Counter Terrorism advisors to protect these areas, through both physical measures and training for front line staff, both from public and private sector.
Further information on the access restrictions can be found at