Date published: 2025-03-24 | Category: Delivering for local residents, Roads, travel and transport, Streets and Highway Maintenance
Bath & North East Somerset Council is making pedestrian safety improvements in Bathampton and is advising people plan their journeys if travelling in the area.
A new raised footway will be built on the canal bridge in Bathampton, giving the bridge footways on each side. Footways along Chapel Row, Tyning Road and High Street will be widened, streetlights improved, and new speed tables introduced either side of the bridge. Works are expected to take up to four weeks between 31 March and 25 April.
Initial scheme designs for these works were changed following concerns raised by residents after engagement with the council, which included an in-person event at Bathampton Village Hall in January. Proposed footway widths have been reduced, allowing more space on the bridge for passing vehicles and construction dates were also changed following a request from Bathampton Primary School. More of the works will now take place over the Easter holidays to help minimise disruption.
Work will be carried out in phases to help reduce its impact. Given the site’s location and proximity to Bathampton Toll Bridge varying access arrangements will be in place throughout. The schedule of works is as follows:
Closure one – 31 March - 6 April
A section of Mill Lane, between the canal bridge and George Inn car park, will be closed throughout as an existing speed table is replaced and a new speed table is installed closer to the canal bridge. Access to the school during these dates will be via Chapel Row. Access to the George Inn Car Park will be via Bathampton Toll Bridge.
Closure two – 7 - 13 April
Bathampton Canal Bridge will be closed throughout as footway improvement works take place.
Closure three – 14 – 25 April
A section of High Street close to the canal bridge will be closed throughout as footway and streetlight improvement works take place. Access to the school and George Inn during these dates will be via Bathampton Toll Bridge.
Councillor Manda Rigby, Cabinet Member for Highways said: “We’ve engaged with the local community and know the changes we’re introducing will have a real positive impact, particularly the safety of Bathampton Primary School pupils and their families walking to and from school each day.”
Advanced notices and diversion routes for traffic will be in place throughout the works. The council will also use temporary variable messaging signs to warn motorists of the works. Diversion routes for these and all other roadworks can be seen on