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  • Council installs additional bike hangars as part of two-year trial

    Twenty bike hangars providing on-street secure cycle parking will be installed in residential areas of Bath and North East Somerset during August.

    Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Delivering for local residents

  • Strategy to improve people’s lives in Bath and North East Somerset goes before cabinet

    A framework for how Bath & North East Somerset Council will improve people’s lives over the next four years has been set out in a cabinet report.

    Democracy, Delivering for local residents, Focusing on prevention, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Giving people a bigger say, Improving people's lives

  • Secretary of State visits Bath to see council progress on new homes

    Council work to bring hundreds of new homes into the heart of Bath on a former gas works site was set out to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities the RT Hon Michael Gove MP

    Regeneration and Development, Housing, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • Environmental award for upgrades at Haycombe Cemetery and Crematorium

    Improvements to reduce carbon emissions and increase sustainability at Haycombe Cemetery & Crematorium in Bath has led to a new environmental award from a national body.

    Bereavement Services, Environment and Clean Air, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Delivering for local residents, Focusing on prevention

  • Pop-up climate hub comes to Bath

    A ‘climate hub’ will pop up in a vacant unit in Bath city centre this weekend offering fun activities and information about how people can help tackle the climate and ecological emergencies.

    Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Environment and Clean Air, Regeneration and Development, Business support

  • Search for B&NES homeowners willing to showcase their energy efficient homes

    Residents who have added energy efficient features such as solar panels, heat pumps and water recycling to their home are being invited to showcase their property as part of the Green Open Homes B&NES

    Delivering for local residents, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • Help shape the future of Staddlestones Park

    Residents and visitors to Staddlestones Park in Midsomer Norton are being invited to have their say on plans to improve the space and enhance its biodiversity.

    Leisure, Tourism and Heritage, Regeneration and Development, Communities and volunteering, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Giving people a bigger say

  • Redevelopment of council depot significantly lowers emissions

    Investment in a Bath & North East Somerset Council highways depot has resulted in a massive 89 per cent reduction in carbon emissions since its redevelopment two years ago, recent data shows.

    Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Streets and Highway Maintenance, Preparing for the Future

  • Council disappointed at decision on Active Travel Grant Funding

    Plans for a proposed cycle and walking scheme connecting residential areas to educational establishments across the south of Bath will continue.

    Parking and Travel, Roads, travel and transport, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Delivering for local residents

  • Epilepsy charity awarded £12,000 donation from recycling of metals scheme

    A charity dedicated to raising awareness of epilepsy risks and tackling deaths from the condition has received a donation of £12,000 from Bath & North East Somerset Council.

    Bereavement Services, Communities and volunteering, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Waste and Recycling , Focusing on prevention