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  • Council announces £967k Household Support Fund

    Thousands of vulnerable residents in Bath and North East Somerset will be helped over the colder months through a new

    Cost of living crisis, Focusing on prevention, Household energy costs, welfare support

  • Free summer holiday activities and food support for children in B&NES

    Soft play sessions, trampolining and a family bowling evening are some of the activities being offered to children and young people and their families in Bath and North East Somerset.

    Delivering for local residents, Health and Care, welfare support

  • Local projects benefit from Community Contribution Fund awards

    Twenty projects that help residents in Bath and North East Somerset with the cost of living have been awarded communi

    Bath, Communities and volunteering, community contribution fund, Community Funding, Cost of living crisis, Delivering for local residents, Focusing on prevention, Giving people a bigger say, Improving people's lives, welfare support, Wellbeing support

  • Free Easter holiday activities and food support for children in B&NES

    An exciting range of Easter holiday activities are being offered to children and young people in Bath and North East Somerset who receive benefit related free school meals.

    Children's Services, welfare support, Schools, Colleges and Learning, Improving people's lives