Date published: 2024-03-19 | Category: Planning, Delivering for local residents, Local Plan

Residents, businesses and stakeholders now have until Tuesday 16 April to give their feedback on a plan shaping future development across Bath and North East Somerset.
The Local Plan Options consultation period has been extended by a week to offer people more time to register their opinions on the options document, which is the next stage in the development of a new Local Plan for the district.
This also allows additional time for people who have not received a reference number, in response to their online comments, to re-register their views. Those who have received a refence number or email confirmation do not need to resubmit comments.
People can comment on the options proposed by responding to an interactive version of the Local Plan online. Once you have submitted your comments using the webform, you will receive a reference number for your comment and anyone entering an email address will also be sent a confirmation email.
The consultation started on 12 February. It outlines options for where to deliver new homes and jobs and the policies that are needed for addressing the climate and ecological emergencies. A series of drop-in sessions have also been held for residents to discuss the options with council officers.
Councillor Matt McCabe, cabinet member for Built Environment and Sustainable Development, said: “We are getting a lot of response to the consultation and extending the closing date by a week will give people more time to provide their feedback on the options. It is important that as many people as possible have their say so their views can be considered because the Local Plan will form the basis for determining planning applications until 2042.”
The options, which were approved by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s cabinet, support the council’s Corporate Strategy and Economic Strategy, which aims to deliver a fairer, more prosperous and sustainable economy.
A key objective for the Local Plan is to maximise the delivery of housing that is more affordable and the document says an estimated 14,500 new homes are needed up to 2042. Of those, more than 6,000 will be built on sites, mainly brownfield sites in Bath, which are already committed for development via planning permission or allocated in the current Local Plan.
Videos on the council website discuss the locations identified in the Options Document that could be developed: Keynsham and Saltford, Hicks Gate, Whitchurch, Bath and the Somer Valley.
Other videos give step-by-step guidance on ‘How to comment on a Local Plan’ and explain ‘What is a Local Plan’ or outline how the various options will help to deliver the council’s priorities on housing, the climate emergency and sustainable transport.
Comments can also be submitted by post to Bath & North East Somerset Council, Planning Policy, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath BA1 1JG.
Printed copies of the Options Document are available at Bath Central Library; Keynsham Library; Midsomer Norton Library; Bath Housing, Welfare and Advice Services, the mobile library and all community libraries. Easy Read copies can be requested by emailing: and there is an Easy Read version of the document online.
Visit our dedicated Local Plan pages, to find out more about the preparation of the Plan, and work done so far.
You can respond to the consultation on the council website.