Date published: 2024-05-08 | Category: Bath, Communities and volunteering, Community Funding, community infrastructure levy, Delivering for local residents, Democracy, Giving people a bigger say, Improving people's lives

New sports facilities at Weston Recreation Ground, upgrades to Larkhall United Reformed Church and more sessions to support young people at Youth Connect are among the neighbourhood projects shortlisted for the latest round of community funding in Bath.
Residents are asked to help decide which of the eleven projects should be chosen to receive money from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Bath in a public consultation running until May 28.
The projects and the amounts of funding being applied for are:
- Youth Connect South West - £50,312.50 to provide two youth work sessions per week at Odd Down and Weston and a weekly group at Southside in Twerton
- WERN Village Agents - £90,000 over two years to continue providing free, confidential, face to face support for residents to access specialist advice and practical help to improve their lives and wellbeing
- Voices - £28,000 to continue and expand services at the Villa, a trauma recovery centre providing a safe and confidential space where survivors of abuse can access the support they need
- Bath BMX Club – £20,000 to upgrade The Tumps BMX berms
- Shaftesbury Road Memorial Gardens – £1,219 to purchase and install a handrail on the steps leading to the formal wreath laying area and memorial plaque
- Percy Community Centre Youth Project - £31,900 to continue the youth project for young people to socialise, learn life skills, take part in activities and engage with positive adult role models
- Larkhall United Reformed Church – £6,556.32 to upgrade heating and soft furnishings to provide a welcoming safe space for the youth club and holiday club
- Julian Road - £95,000 to provide pedestrian crossing improvements on Julian Road at the junction with Marlborough Buildings and Cavendish Road
- Henrietta Park - £20,000 to reline the leaking ornamental pond in Memorial Garden
- Alice Park - £75,000 to provide a redesigned play area with new, inclusive equipment catering to children of all ages and abilities
- Active Weston – £58,125 to install new facilities at Weston Recreation Ground including basketball hoop, benches and playing surface
The consultation and full details of all the projects can be viewed on the council website. The consultation closes on May 28.
Councillor Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council, said: “We’re seeking views from residents on where they think CIL funding should be spent in Bath to support our communities. This funding will help some of the shortlisted projects to directly benefit people in your neighbourhood, so please have your say in the consultation and help decide where the money would best be used.”
Anyone needing support to respond to the consultation or a different format can request this from the Community Engagement Team by emailing or calling 01225 396975.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.
From the overall Community Infrastructure Levy that is allocated, Bath receives 15% of the receipts which are allocated to The Neighbourhood Portion of CIL for Bath. In the absence of a parish council for Bath, the council has a statutory responsibility to allocate the funds.
The Community Funding Projects Map shows gives details of all the projects that have been funded across the city.