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First Festival of Libraries in B&NES

Festival of libraries graphic made up of 20 event photos

Afternoon tea with authors, creative writing workshops and drama performances are among the exciting line-up of events for Bath & North East Somerset Council’s first-ever Festival of Libraries next month.

The festival runs from February 8 to February 22 in the council’s Keynsham, Midsomer Norton and Bath libraries, the Virtual Library, and the Community Run Libraries and celebrates knowledge, community and fun.

The free events cater for all ages, with events in-person and online. They include:

  • Afternoon tea with local authors including May Ellis, Jen Faulkner and Rachel Ward
  • It Had a Blue Cover: Reuniting you with lost book titles
  • Storytime and crafts 
  • Minny Stynker Theatre Show
  • Creative writing workshops
  • Libraries at Home, Livewell B&NES, Employment & Skills drop-ins and partner drop-ins including Avon Fire & Rescue

A full list of events is on the Festival of Libraries webpage 

The Mobile Library will also be out in unusual locations throughout February for people to drop in, find out a bit more and sign up to become a member.

Councillor Tim Ball, cabinet member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “This exciting festival will demonstrate that our libraries are more than just a place to find the latest books. They’re the heart of the community and bring people together. There are lots of special events on offer over the two weeks of the festival and I hope many residents will join the fun!”

Visit the Bath and North East Somerset Libraries website for details of regular and upcoming library events throughout the year.

Find out more about the council’s library and information services.


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