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Lifesaving bleed kits installed in Bath and North East Somerset

Councillor Kevin Guy stands holding an umbrella next to a bleed kit fixed on a wall outside the Community at 67 shopfront

The installation of twelve kits providing emergency first aid to someone suffering a life-threatening injury is under way in Bath and Keynsham thanks to a £2,500 contribution from ward councillors.

The bleed kits are designed to be used by bystanders to save lives in instances of catastrophic blood loss, such as a stabbing or a road accident, by giving them the tools to stop the bleeding until paramedics arrive. They contain equipment including trauma dressings and instructions on how to use them. 

The scheme is a joint initiative between Avon and Somerset Police, HeartSafe and NHS England South West to place Emergency Bleed Kits in local communities. 

The 12 kits, some of which have already been installed, will be located at:

  • Community at 67, Keynsham
  • Tesco High Street and Weston Hub, Weston
  • Eastfield Avenue Community Centre, Upper Weston
  • Southside Youth Centre, Rose Cottage and The Centurion, Twerton
  • St Andrews Community Church, Foxhill
  • One Stop Shop, Bath
  • Tesco Westgate Buildings, Bath
  • Bath City Farm
  • Oldfield Park Baptist Church, Westmoreland, Bath

The bleed kits have been supported by £2,500 funding from Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Ward Councillors Empowerment Fund, which enables ward councillors to contribute to local projects that directly benefit residents and address the concerns of the local area.

An additional kit at Ubley Parish will be funded separately by Councillor Anna Box.

Councillor Kevin Guy, council Leader, said: “We hope these bleed kits will never be used, but it’s vital they are available in case of emergencies. They will equip people to save the lives of others if the worst happens. Every second counts in instances of catastrophic bleeding and these kits could make the difference between life and death.”

Any organisations wishing to fund additional kits or have suggestions for other sites can email the council’s community engagement team at 

A map of the locations of bleed kits across the country can be found on the HeartSafe website.


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