Date published: 2025-03-21 | Category: Bath

Road and pavement surveys to inform the creation of a new public space outside St Michael’s Church in Bath and improve routes around this part of the city will take place in April.
The Milsom Quarter Public Realm (MQPR) scheme is part of the Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Milsom Quarter Masterplan, a wider project to bring a new Fashion Museum to the Old Post Office building, more housing, improved streets and public spaces and to attract more creative makers and retailers.
The MQPR scheme will initially improve public spaces to complement the historic environment and create green spaces, including a new public square at the front of the new Fashion Museum and St Michael’s Church - an area currently heavily dominated by vehicle traffic.
The scheme will support the movement of people within the Milsom Quarter, particularly around the new Fashion Museum, as well as creating an outdoor space for events.
Initial ideas for the Milsom Quarter were consulted on in May 2024, following on from the Masterplan consultation in 2022 where feedback from public and stakeholders included:
- Support for the removal of some private vehicles to create people-priority spaces.
- Need to ensure physical accessibility of the public space through the Milsom Quarter, including for Blue Badge holders.
- Requests to improve the air quality and the environment in the Milsom Quarter.
- Support for greening of spaces in the city, whilst respecting the historic environment and ensuring accessibility.
The council is considering how traffic currently moves around the streets that surround the proposed public square and how this could be improved in line with the consultation feedback already received.
The exploratory surveys are expected to begin in April and are expected to take 20 nights. Some roads will be closed overnight in phases, including New Bond Street, Broad Street, Milsom Street, Walcot Street and adjacent roads. Signage will be in place to inform motorists of the diversion routes. The surveys will not require any digging or excavation.
Councillor Paul Roper, cabinet member for Economic and Cultural Sustainable Development, said: “Through the Milsom Quarter Public Realm scheme we are aiming to create a greener, accessible public space with plenty of community character, linking to the overall improved public realm around the new Fashion Museum. The area in front of the Old Post Office and St Michael’s Church is currently a busy intersection for traffic that isn’t welcoming or easy for pedestrians to navigate and we want to make it place that people spend more time in.
“These exploratory surveys are the next step in the planning of the scheme so that detailed designs can be considered, consulted on and then drawn up. The works have been planned overnight to minimise disruption, and we apologise for any inconvenience while they are completed.”
Find out more about the Milsom Quarter Public Realm (MQPR) scheme and the Milsom Quarter Masterplan
Watch a video about the Milsom Quarter Masterplan