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Work starts on council’s social rent properties at Argyle Works site in Bath

Date published: 2023-12-21 | Category: Housing, Bath, Delivering for local residents

Three men wearing white hard hats and yellow high visibility jackets looking at a plan of the development on site with a digger behind them

Work is set to begin on the construction of eight new affordable homes for social rent that will be owned directly by Bath and North East Somerset Council.

The Argyle Works site on the Lower Bristol Road, formerly a Highways Maintenance Depot, will be developed to provide eight affordable, energy efficient apartments to help meet the demand for low-cost homes in the area.

The properties will be delivered in partnership with Aequus Construction Limited (ACL) the council’s wholly owned development company and will include three one-bedroom apartments and five two-bedroom duplexes.

The development is the next step in the council’s own affordable housing scheme, which directly delivers council housing by developing existing council properties and surplus land. The initial £12m B&NES Homes programme will provide 58 general needs council houses for rent.

The Argyle Works planning application was approved in September last year and completion is due in summer 2025. The planning application, reference 22/00687/REG03 can be viewed on the council website.

Councillor Matt McCabe, cabinet member for Built Environment and Sustainable Development, said: “Our first social rent properties in 30 years were completed earlier this year at Newbridge Road and I am pleased to see work starting on the Argyle Works site, the next step in our plans to provide affordable homes. Our ambition is to build a pipeline to deliver hundreds of homes a year.”

The finished apartments will be available through Homesearch, the council’s housing allocation scheme for social rent homes and low-cost home ownership in B&NES. Three of the units will be set aside for young people.

ACL is also working to develop plans for a social rented scheme on council-owned land at Danes Lane in Keynsham. A planning application for ten social rent flats has been submitted and can be viewed on the council’s website.

More information on affordable housing can also be found on the council website.




Photo caption left to right: Councillor Matt McCabe; Councillor Kevin Guy; Tim Richens, Managing Director Aequus.

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