A message from Cllr Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset CouncilAs part of our 2025-26 budget proposals, which go before council next week, the council has committed £125k to trial extended hours for our park and ride service. It would mean from April buses running until 11.30pm - currently, the last buses to the city’s three Park and Rides at Odd Down, Newbridge, and Lansdown leave the city centre at 8.30pm Monday to Saturday. The trial will make it easier for people who work in the night-time economy and for visitors who come into enjoy the city’s many restaurants, bars and cafes as well as sports fans, theatre and gig-goers. Our Park and Ride is a great service and I was delighted to see it once again recognised in a national satisfaction survey where it came second out of 96 authorities surveyed. The is the largest survey of local opinion around transport and highways in the UK. It ranked the speed and quality of response from B&NES staff as the best in the country. Highway gritting and Public Rights of Way achieved third place rankings. I’m very proud of our highways teams and would also like to thank all the residents that took the time to complete the survey. Earlier this week I met staff at The Carers Centre in Bath. Providing care for a loved one is extremely challenging and takes dedication, selflessness and stamina. It’s really important that carers access the support they need. The council has worked with carers and co-produced a carers strategy for Bath and North East Somerset which aims to provide the best support possible for people who look after others. If you think you might be a carer and are interested to know what support is on offer please contact on 0800 0388 885. Our next round of begins on Monday 24 February. Please join us to talk through what matters to you in your community and help us to address areas of concern. Have a good weekend. |