e-connect 20 March

Date published: 2025-03-20

Cllr Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council, Councillor Mark Elliott, cabinet member for Resources, and Allan Winstanley, chief executive of Morleys Department Stores.


e-connect 20 March 2025

A message from Cllr Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council

Sporting success dominated the start of this week for the city – with Bath’s fantastic victory against Exter in the Premiership Rugby Cup final and the hugely popular Bath Half Marathon which drew in thousands of runners and visitors. Well done to Bath RFC and all their supporters, as well as to everyone who took part, or was involved in the organisation of the Bath Half - including many of our own council staff.

After 18 months of hard work and talks we were delighted this week to be able to announce department store group Morleys Stores Ltd is reopening Bath’s much-loved Jolly’s store.

Councillor Mark Elliott, cabinet member for Resources, and I welcomed Allan Winstanley, chief executive of Morleys Department Stores (pictured), to Bath on Tuesday. Joining us was former store manager Jess Merritt-John, who has been retained by Morleys and will help oversee the transformation of the store over the next 12 months.

I very much look forward to the reopening next spring. Milsom Street has always been a very special shopping destination and Morleys Stores is not only a fantastic fit for the area but its decision to open up in Bath also complements the investment the council is making in the Milsom Quarter.

Earlier in the week we were informed that the Planning Inspectorate rejected an appeal for housing on the Sulis Down development. It is important to consider carefully where best to put development like new homes, businesses, schools, health facilities and green spaces to make sure places continue to work for the people who live there as well as protecting the environment and lowering carbon emissions.

We are moving forward with the reset of the Local Plan and will be working closely with parish and town councils, residents and local stakeholders during this year to look at how the places in which we live could change and for potential new development sites to accommodate the significant uplift in the housing numbers that we need to deliver.

A great example of how we are working hard to deliver new homes is the former gasworks site in Bath Western Riverside which I visited this week along with representatives from Home England, Mayor Dan Norris and our development partner Berkley Homes. In January we were successful in securing more than £18m Homes England funding for remediation works on the site which are now well under way. When completed the development will provide around 900 quality, sustainable market and affordable homes as well as a riverside park.

Have a good weekend.


Energy at Home

Visit our Energy at Home website for details of grants and funding that can help with the cost of making energy saving improvements to your home.



M4 junctions 18 and 19 full weekend closure

Please remember to plan ahead at the weekend. The M4 will be closed in both directions between junctions 18 (for Bath) and 19 (for the M32) from 7pm Friday 21 March and re-open by 6am Monday 24 March. For more info https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-roads/south-west/a432-badminton-road-bridge-crossing-the-m4/.


Work gets under way on Bath Western Riverside development

Work to prepare a former gas works site in Bath for the development of around 900 quality, sustainable market and affordable homes as well as a riverside park is under way. Contractors have begun work on land remediation and infrastructure on the Bath Western Riverside Phase 2 site.


Parish and town councils in Bath and North East Somerset benefit from funding to support environmental projects

A footbridge to improve woodland access, a retrofitted community room providing a safe place in a flooding emergency and village hall solar panels are among the improvements that have been realised in communities across Bath and North East Somerset.


Free entry to Parade Gardens trialled after popular pilot event

The delights of the historic Parade Gardens in Bath will be enjoyed by visitors for free from this April, after a pilot event removing the entrance fee helped attract more than 29,000 visitors to the park.


Christmas Market 2024 brings additional £60.4m spend to Bath

A £41.5m turnover for businesses, support for more than 500 jobs and a £60.4m associated spend in the city are among the findings of a survey of Bath Christmas Market 2024.


Bath & North East Somerset Council launches an interactive Transport Action Map to showcase schemes

An innovative and interactive tool that highlights more than 200 current and future transport projects set to be delivered, developed and studied over the next three years has been launched by Bath & North East Somerset Council.


Council builds two new zebra crossings in Bloomfield Road, Bath

Bath & North East Somerset Council has installed two new zebra crossings in Bloomfield Road, Bath.


Council secures Jolly’s future with new department store Morleys

Council leaders today (Tuesday 18 March) welcomed the announcement by department store group Morleys Stores Ltd that it will reopen the historic Jolly’s store in Milsom Street, Bath.


Council waives street party fees for VE Day celebrations

Bath & North East Somerset Council has waived road closure fees for VE Day street parties to encourage more community celebrations.


Heritage Services Success Outlined at Cabinet Meeting

The Heritage Services Business Plan sets out strategic priorities for the next five years, focusing on adapting to economic challenges, developing the Fashion Museum, and investment in new research to strengthen the Council’s visitor attractions.


Have your say


Council meetings

Do you want to know about decisions being taken by the council and have your say? Please follow this link to the council’s calendar of meetings.

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View and take part in our consultations


Cost of living crisis

Worried about the cost of living? Help is out there. There is a dedicated Cost of Living Crisis section on Live Well B&NES, including:

You can also get help from your supplier through the Priority Services Register. This is a free support service that makes sure extra help is available to people in vulnerable situations. Check the website to see if you’re eligible to register.

Energy at Home

Our Energy at Home website provides information about the latest funding and support available to help B&NES residents save money on their energy bills and improve the energy efficiency of their home.

For people struggling to afford broadband or phone services, there are social tariffs available. Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) has a webpage with more information about social tariffs including eligibility requirements and how to apply Social tariffs - Connecting Devon and Somerset

Library services

Our Libraries offer a range of services, including the Library at Home service where we can bring the library to you and sensory spaces for children and young adults with sensory needs. You can also find out about events happening in our libraries.


Employment support and skills



Achieve in B&NES provides a job and course search service for anybody wishing to enter the workplace or progress their career. There are free and funded courses from local providers.


Health, wellbeing and support


Live Well B&NES

Live Well B&NES is a web-based resource providing information, signposting and support to Bath & North East Somerset residents.

Community Wellbeing Hub

The Community Wellbeing Hub opening hours are from Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm. Call the Hub on 0300 247 0050 or text 07870 868368 or visit the website.

Bath Mind

Bath Mind is an independent mental health charity whose services operate across Bath and North East Somerset. Explore Bath Mind’s services by visiting their website. Alternatively, call Freephone 0808 175 1369 any day of the week between 9am and 11pm for mental health support.

Age UK

Age UK Bath & North East Somerset run specialised Dementia Groups in the district. These groups are a safe, fun environment for people to come for activities and friendship. Find out more here or call 01225 466135. You can also find out about digital support for people aged 55 and over. Email digital@ageukbanes.co.uk or visit bit.ly/AgeUKBANESDigital

Sight loss support

Sight Support West of England provides emotional and practical support to help people adjust to living with sight loss. To find out more, or make an appointment please call  0117 3224885 or email. For more information on the full range of services, visit the website. For more useful information visit the RNIB website.

Domestic abuse

Southside provides help to people who live in Bath & North East Somerset who are at risk of domestic violence and abuse. The working hours are 9am-5pm Monday-Thursday, and 9am-4pm Fridays. Local support services can be found here.

Community Transport

Community transport schemes provide safe and accessible transport for people unable to use public transport. To find further details on community transport schemes visit livewell.bathnes.gov.uk/community-transport.


Public health

To keep up to date with the latest public health news stories across Bath and North East Somerset, including upcoming events, consultations  and other information, subscribe to the public health monthly newsletter. You can also browse previous editions of the public health newsletter.


Do you look after someone else?

If you support someone who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, addiction or who needs extra help as they grow older, support is available from Bath and North East Somerset Carers’ Centre. Freephone support line: 0800 038 8885 or email 9am-1pm, every weekday.


Bowel cancer screening

The bowel cancer screening programme now includes everyone over 50. You’ll automatically be sent an NHS Bowel Screening Kit when you become eligible. Regular screening can detect early signs of bowel cancer, even before symptoms appear. More information on the symptoms of bowel cancer and the bowel screening test can be found online.

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Date published: 2025-03-20

Cllr Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council, Councillor Mark Elliott, cabinet member for Resources, and Allan Winstanley, chief executive of Morleys Department Stores.

Date published: 2025-03-20

Date published: 2025-03-20