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  • Council and providers collaborate on Community Services and Targeted Early Help review

    Council leaders, current Community Services and Targeted Early Help providers, along with Third Sector representatives have met to chart the next steps in the council’s review of services. 

    Adult Social Care and Health, Preparing for the Future

  • Plans for social housing in Keynsham get the go ahead

    Council-owned land that was previously used for informal parking in Keynsham will be developed to provide ten affordable, energy efficiency apartments that will be owned directly by Bath &amp

    Delivering for local residents, Housing, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • May half-term at the Roman Baths and Victoria Art Gallery

    Families are invited to enjoy a fun-packed day out at the Roman Baths and Victoria Art Gallery this May half-term. 

    Delivering for local residents, Leisure, Tourism and Heritage

  • Youth project in Bath awarded more than £52,000 community funding

    Young people in Bath and North East Somerset who are supported by the LUX Youth Project are benefitting from improved facilities following a community funding award of £52,389.

    Bath, Communities and volunteering, Community Funding, community infrastructure levy, Delivering for local residents, Focusing on prevention, Improving people's lives, information and advice, Partner news, Wellbeing support

  • New recruitment campaign to increase early years workforce

    A new drive to increase the number of early years education and childcare practitioners available to families in Bath and North East Somerset is under way.

    Children's Services, Delivering for local residents, Equalities, Focusing on prevention, Health and Care, Improving people's lives, Schools, Colleges and Learning

  • Festival of Nature events across B&NES include greening of Milsom Street

    Wildlife walks, nature workshops and film screenings are among the events happening in Bath and North East Somerset as part of the Festival of Nature 2024 that takes place from 1 to 9 June.

    Festival of Nature, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • Have your say on funding awards for community projects in Bath

    New sports facilities at Weston Recreation Ground, upgrades to Larkhall United Reformed Church and more sessions to support young people at Youth Connect are among the neighbourhood projects

    Bath, Communities and volunteering, Community Funding, community infrastructure levy, Delivering for local residents, Democracy, Giving people a bigger say, Improving people's lives

  • World Heritage Site Advisory Board appoints new chair

    Professor Marion Harney has been appointed as the new chair of the  World Heritage Advisory Board and Enhancement Fund.  

    Leisure, Tourism and Heritage, Preparing for the Future

  • Somer Valley Rediscovered Partnership seeks a volunteer chair

    The search is on for a volunteer passionate about the environment to chair the Somer Valley Rediscovered Partnership and help develop its work to improve local green spaces and rivers and str

    Delivering for local residents, Somer Valley

  • Bathscape podcast nominated for industry award

    A popular podcast featuring tales of the natural world and social history around Bath has been nominated for the UK’s leading audio and radio awards.

    Bathscape, Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

  • Historic Royal Navy bell goes on permanent display in Bath

    A bell mounted on two historic brass dolphins from the sloop of war HMS Dolphin 1882 has been officially unveiled at the Guildhall in Bath to mark the city’s long relationship with the Royal Navy.

    Bath, Communities and volunteering, Delivering for local residents, Heritage

  • Council marks 30 years of movie magic thanks to its Film Office

    An estimated £3.4 million was pumped into the Bath local economy last year by film crews using the city and surrounds – all helped by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Film Office which is m

    Delivering for local residents, Leisure, Tourism and Heritage